Goals for 2022

So this is self-marketing? My Weekly Blog Post


It’s been . . . . forever since I have made a blog post of any kind. But since I’m going to try to be serious about making a career out of Voice Acting, I think I need to do all of the necessary steps towards doing so. Including starting a weekly blog post. On the technical and technique side of things, I’ve got a solid base and am doing well. I have my home studio. I’m doing auditions through ACX, Voices.com, CastingCall.Club, etc. but that’s really only getting my voice out to a few people per audition. And yes, I do have some Audible Narrations that I’ll link to, as well as a few YouTube videos that I provided voices for.

But lets be honest. In addition to that, I’m going to need to start engaging more people, and getting more ears listening to my voice. So, to that end, I’m going to start adding a weekly blog post. This will be in addition to other social media engagements, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Though I’ll admit, most of my Instagram will be pictures of my cat Jax napping while I’m recording.

What’s going to be in the weekly blog post?

That’s a great question! I think I’ll be including a summary of my week. Everything that’s been published in the past week. Things I’ve completed, but aren’t published yet. A tally of auditions I’ve done, and how successful or unsuccessful they were. I’m using Timeular to track my day (more or less), so maybe I’ll include some weekly statistics from that as well. And I’ll wrap it up with 2 or 3 samples from auditions or work that I’ve done in the past week. They’ll be something unique that I want to share. They might be a voice I’m showing off; an audition or take that I’m really proud of; or some sort of blooper that makes me hang my head in shame.

So, unless I suddenly become super shy, I’ll write exactly what I said I’d write about tomorrow evening. After I take down the soundproofing for the weekend and wind down to review my week, I’ll type it all up and share it with you.

Is there going to be a backlog of *stuff* in the first post?

Meh. Maybe. Honestly, I’m not sure where the line of over-sharing and not putting myself out there enough is. So I’m going to try to do a little more oversharing than not. For example, you can see all of my auditions on Casting Call Club on my profile here: PFMcCaffrey Voices. My currently published Audiobook Narrations on Audible can be found at Audible. And I’ll provide links and descriptions for the other works I’ve provided a voice for on Youtube tomorrow.

Thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a wonderful day!