Weekly Blog Post – You always remember your first time

My First Weekly Blog Post

Happy Friday! As I posted yesterday, I’m doing a weekly blog post where I talk about everything that’s been going on in my world of Voice Acting. This is the first time I’m doing it, so please forgive me if things aren’t smooth yet.

What’s new?

Uh . . . . This is new! The Blog Post is definitely new. I am working on updating the website, and making sure my samples and previous works are updated. I started working on engaging more with social media in general. One of the things I’m doing to increase my social media presence is a weekly Facebook Live video on Mondays a little after noon for 15 minutes or so. So you can join me on Monday at PFMcCaffrey Voices on Facebook. Twitter is . . . . . twitter. I’m not used to it yet. I’ll work on it. And Instagram is going to be mostly just cat pictures, because Instagram should be mostly cat pictures.

What’s brewing? What will we see (hear) from you?

Alright, so, this is my catching up because it’s my first weekly summary post. Yesterday I posted links to my Audible narrations page, and my Casting Call Club Profile. Here are some of the projects that I’ve completed and have already been published.


Avernus is an audio drama produced by TheBrittishRunner. This is a story of what would happen if a marker from dead space found its way into the halo universe and who would win in a massive outbreak necromorphes vs the flood. My voice is featured in episodes 2, 3, 4, and 5 as Sgt Davies. Episodes have been released weekly and episode 5 should come out this weekend.

Spies Gacha Series

“Mia’s parents are secretly spies. They have been hiding it all their lives, until this moment. They need her help with a mission that will be at her school dance! Will she accept? Will they even be able to complete their mission? What even is their mission?!” – I am pretty unfamiliar with the entire “Gacha” thing, but I play the Dad in the episode out so far. We’ll have to see if they continue making episodes, but if they do, I’ll continue with them.

Tuyo by Rachel Neumeier

This is a soon to come. I’ve finished recording, editing, and approved by the Author. We’re just waiting on Audible to approve it and publish it. Tuyo (description from Good Reads): “Raised a warrior in the harsh winter country, Ryo inGara has always been willing to die for his family and his tribe. When war erupts against the summer country, the prospect of death in battle seems imminent. But when his warleader leaves Ryo as a sacrifice — a tuyo — to die at the hands of their enemies, he faces a fate he never imagined.

Ryo’s captor, a lord of the summer country, may be an enemy . . . but far worse enemies are moving, with the current war nothing but the opening moves in a hidden game Ryo barely glimpses, a game in which all his people may be merely pawns. Suddenly Ryo finds his convictions overturned and his loyalties uncertain. Should he support the man who holds him prisoner, the only man who may be able to defeat their greater enemy? And even if he does, can he persuade his people to do the same?”

Statistics? Auditions?

YES! I did say that I would do this. I’m auditioning on Voices.com, ACX.com, and CastingCall.Club for various jobs. Because I haven’t done this yet, I’ll mention what I’ve done so far for the month, and what my personal goals are.

On Voices.com I have done 118auditions, with 91 of the auditions listened to and have been short listed 7 times this month. My goal is to do about 50 auditions a week and have 80% listened to and 5-10% short listed.

On ACX I’ve done 5 auditions this past week. I’m going to try for 1-2 auditions a day when I don’t have a project currently going. I haven’t gotten feedback on the ACX auditions yet.

And on CastingCall.Club (CCC) I’ve done 112 auditions since I started auditioning there in November, and have gotten ~19 jobs cast so far, including Avernus and Spies from above. One of the cool things about CCC is that I can tell if my audition has been listened to by the project owner. The biggest problem with CCC is that most of the posted jobs aren’t paid, and not all of them are especially likely to be completed. So in addition to the auditions and cast jobs, I also have 12 auditions that I just wasn’t the right part, and ~24 auditions that haven’t been listened to, and might not be listened to. Such is life. Still more practice and more things to put into the portfolio.


Here are my Timular statistics for the week. I have done about 10 hours of tracked activities. I wasn’t always great on tracking everything. But I’ve tracked ~5 hours Voices.com Auditionis. ~2 hours and 45 minutes of ACX auditions. ~1 and a half hours of Casting Call Club Auditions. and ~30 minutes of editing and recording for Tuyo.  I’ll try to do better at tracking next week.


I said I would include 2 or 3 samples of my work/auditions. So I am. This is probably the most uncomfortable part for me. Finding things I’ve done to share in public.

The first sample is from a CCC project I auditioned for and got cast. It is a school project and eventually they’ll finish up the project and I’ll get to share it, but in the meantime, this is Bramble from Error in the System.


My next sample is one of the auditions I got shortlisted this past week. It is for a non-broadcast project, and was described as “Super Motivational.” Hopefully it motivates them enough to hire me.

GLC Theme Video

My last sample is kinda silly. It’s a Narwal for a CCC job that I definitely was a little inspired by “speaking whale” from Finding Nemo, but not quite to the same level.

Narwal – Polaroid


That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy the look behind the curtain and enjoyed my first weekly blog post. With next week being Christmas, I expect the numbers to be a little light, but I’ll still do some auditions and still post something on Friday. Have a wonderful weekend!