February Catch-up

I . . . . suck at remembering to do this.

My bad.

I did intend to write this on Thursday. And then again on Friday as I was wrapping up recording for the day. And then it didn’t happen.

I even planned on doing this last week because I had some good news to post. My Audio Book Narration of TUYO has been placed on Audible. But I . . . forgot, then I just figured I’d make sure I mention it in the weekly blog this week. Well, we’ve seen how that worked out.

So, even though this is totally not the right day, and who knows if this will be a trend, but here is the summary for January in place of a weekly summary.

What’s New?

I have been horrible last month. I was doing a good job in November and December getting into auditioning on multiple sites and opportunities. And then the holidays came, and I started to slack off. And then I visited my parents to help them declutter, and I didn’t do much auditioning for a week and change. But I’ve started building up the good habits again this past week or so. And the notification that my narration for TUYO by Rachel Neumeier has been approved and added to Audible has definitely reminded me that I enjoy doing this and should audition more. Which means February is playing catch-up.

So what’s new? Honestly, not much. Everything is just rebuilding things that I’ve been doing. I do need to work more on the website, but I’m not really excited about doing so. But I will start working on it more, and taking more photos or maybe even learn to draw for more things to fill the website.

What’s Brewing? What will we see (hear) from you?

I have been fulfilling some recordings for Casting Call Club projects. I’ll post links to some of the projects as I hear that they’re finishing up. There’s a lot less brewing than there should be. January sucked. I got distracted. I’m going to do better this week. You can still hear me on Avernus on Youtube (put out by thebritishrunner), I’ll be continuing bit parts as Sgt. Davies has met his untimely demise.

Statistics? Auditions?

I am embarassed by my statistics currently. In the month of January, I submitted 80 auditions for Voices.com. I got 55 new listenes for the month, with 2 short listed. I was not on top of auditioning regularly and promptly. It’s important to be one of the first 30-ish auditions and unless you really stand out, auditioning when 50+ auditions decreases the likelihood that you will be listened to, let alone short listed.

I did a few CCC auditions and a few ACX auditions, but no luck so far. Again, this next week, I’ll be doing more regular auditions for ACX and CCC.


22 and a half hours for the month of January.

9 hours for marketing, web site, social media, and the like. 5:45 for Voices Auditions. 3:37 for CCC auditions and accepted jobs recordings. 1:30 each for planning and ACX auditions, and the rest of the time was for Voice Bunny and HEMA-Cast editing. I’m not happy with these numbers. I wouldn’t be happy with those numbers in a single week, let alone the full month….



Plans for Next Week

Today (Monday) I’m going to be doing my regular Monday Engagement, and it’s just going to be a half hour of my regular recording and auditioning stuff. I’m going to focus on auditioning and then doing personal recording projects such as I did for Freeing the Natural Voice and the HEMA-Cast Podcast. I’m not really worried about getting new jobs so much as I’m going to focus on keeping the habit of performing and doing things to be a better Voice Actor.

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