Belated Happy Valentine's Day

Weekly Summary for February 20th

Belated Happy Valentine's DayBetter Nate than Lever. I intended to write this up and post it on Saturday, but then I got busy on Saturday and forgot. ADHD story short, I’m doing it today because I’m avoiding doing more auditions right now. This is both productive and fulfilling.

What’s New?

Not as much as I’d like. I’ve been putting out Auditions, but haven’t had a lot of success recently. That’s been super frustrating. I can’t tell if I’m getting worse, getting unlucky, or just putting forth effort and energy places I shouldn’t be putting time into. I’d like to think that it’s just Mid February, and we’re all awaiting the return of the sun and warm days. But as the saying goes, the more I work, the luckier I get.

What’s Brewing? What will we see (hear) from you?

Right now? Most of what’s brewing is simply working on the website (Thank you for your advice Caroline!). I am taking the Monday Engagement Shenanigans and editing what I’ve recorded into files that I’ll be sharing here and on Twitter/Facebook. If I get ambitious, I might even get some stock images and make the samples a video and upload it to YouTube. But I completed the last of the jobs that I have a full script for from Casting Call Club. As I get word that projects have been completed/published, I’ll continue to link them.

Statistics? Auditions?

My handy-dandy Excel Spreadsheet tells me that last week, I did 42 Auditions for Voices, 29 auditions listened to, and 1 short-list, with a 2nd one short listed by the time I looked again on Monday. I did 13 new auditions on Casting Call Club, with a smattering of them liked by the project creator. And 11 new auditions for ACX. But alas no job offers.


Last week Timular tracked 11 hours and 21 minutes, which isn’t bad for having taken Monday off for Valentine’s Day. ~4 1/2 hours for Voices, 2 1/4 hours for ACX, 2 hours and change for CCC. And the remaining 2 1/2 hours were split between Planning and Marketing which is generally anything I’m doing that’s related to voice acting but not actively voice acting, such as script analysis, scheduling, e-mailing, and working on the website or social media stuff, including Monday Engagements and Blog Posts like this one.

I’ve said this before, but specifically tracking things when you’re working on them really puts into perspective how much “work” is in the work day. I tend to under-estimate times worked on things rather than over-estimate, so I’ll stop the tracker when I transition between tasks, go get more water, take a bio break, etc. I could easily pump the numbers up, but I’m not sure if that would be genuine, or give me a realistic look at how I’m doing on a week to week basis.


The first one is from CCC, Robot Western. The character is Lawrencium. I put a slight filter and sound effects for the character’s lines.

The second is also from CCC, it’s a Radio Announcer Voice for a Suspense/Mystery Podcast, using the Mid-Atlantic Accent.

And the third is one of the Anime Reviews that I did on Monday during the Monday Engagement.

Plans for Next (this) Week
Chop wood, carry water. Spending this week continuing to do auditions and work on the website. There are lots of things that I *want* to do, but I need to work on time management and energy management. Also going to continue to sharpen the ax and patch holes in the bucket, to continue the metaphor. I’m going to continue with the Self-improvement books I posted previously, Freeing the Natural Voice, Awareness Through Movement, and The Art of Voice Acting.

And as I said in the last blog post, I’m going to promote some of my non-voice acting hobbies. Tonight (Wednesday) at 8pm EST, I will be streaming a tutorial of the Engineering Station for Starship Horizons Bridge Simulator, and then take part in Jazzy’s Omega Directive at 9:30pm EST. On Sunday at 7pm, I’ll be playing Borderlands with 3 friends, and streaming that as well.

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