A Blessing and a Curse

So, by Friday I meant next Wednesday… I’m going to blame my ADHD. It’s a Blessing and a Curse. It’s a Blessing when I need to focus or hyperfocus on whatever I’m working on. And it’s a Curse because getting started on things gets really difficult. It also means that I tend to have lots of things going on at the same time, and if I get distracted, it’s hard to get back on track.

My Hero’s Journal

One of the things I’m using to keep on track is the Hero’s Journal. It’s similar to other journals I’ve used in the past, but it’s a lot more narrative focused. It’s also intentionally focused on not having to use it every day. If I need to skip using it for a couple days, I just pick up where I left off. It’s too early to say how good it will be at keeping me on track, but I’m starting using it. This blog post is today’s frog.

My current voice over projects haven’t really changed that much from last year. I’m ashamed to say that I’m still working on Tarashana. I’m almost done, just a few more chapters to work on pickups! But it’s taken too long to finish. (Accursed ADHD and distractions!) I’m still using Fear is the Mind Killer for warm-ups. I will have to rerecord the majority of it before I finalize it for legit public consumption.

Cat Tax

Speaking of blessings and curses, I love my cats, but they are quite the distraction. Home ownership is a Blessing and a Curse in itself. I have space for everything, and soon (2 months?) I’ll have a dedicated recording space outside of the house proper. But that means I have upkeep and projects that I need to do myself, or depend on professionals and their schedules. It’s worth it, but it’s a skill to keep on top of everything and still have time and energy for my quest. I think I’ll be more successful in 2023 than I was in 2022.

Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful week!

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