Blog Posts

I am my own pretty princess!

Voiceover as Adaptation

I was at FarPoint Convention in Maryland this past weekend. It’s a great sci-fi con. I was there to support my friends and my Historical Swordfighting hobby. But it reminded me of a literary convention I attended years ago. One of the big things in the book world is adaptations. The goal of a lot […]

A Blessing and a Curse

So, by Friday I meant next Wednesday… I’m going to blame my ADHD. It’s a Blessing and a Curse. It’s a Blessing when I need to focus or hyperfocus on whatever I’m working on. And it’s a Curse because getting started on things gets really difficult. It also means that I tend to have lots […]

What I do in my free time

Welcome to 2023!

Welcome to 2023! I’ll be doing a longer update on Friday of this week, but I wanted to put up a quick update that I’ll be getting back into regular blog posts. They’re not going to be anything fancy, but a quick couple of words about projects I’m working on, a picture of something V-O […]

How is it June?!

Updates! Updates! Wow! It seems like just a couple of weeks ago that we moved out to the country-side. I was expecting to get a *LOT* more done between February and June. But life comes at you fast, and then you spend all of your free time mowing the lawn, and weed whacking, and taking […]

Goals for 2022

Welcome to 2022!

Happy New Year! I feel like it’s been months since I last posted. That’s probably because it’s been months since I last posted. I guess I should breifly mention what’s been happening, and then talk about what’s going to happen. Since the last time I posted in August, I . . . . haven’t gotten […]

Warm-ups Are Important

I meant to make a post talking about how important warm-ups are to voice acting back in May. But that didn’t happen. And honestly, it’s probably a good thing, because I have more to say about it now than I did then. My opinion on warm-ups hasn’t really changed. They’re super important to do, especially […]

April Check-in

How to not blog Whelp, I haven’t exactly been keeping up with this thing, have I? I think part of my problem is that I was making it more “work” for myself rather than making it something fun and interesting to write. I’m not sure how I should be using this, but I’m pretty sure […]

Weekly Summary for February 27th

February is a wrap. 4 weeks never felt so short, or so long. As with most updates, there are things that I’m proud of and things that I’m disappointed with. This past week has probably been one of the lower morale weeks I’ve had, and yet I also feel somewhat accomplished. It’s not been as […]