What I do in my free time

Welcome to 2023!

Welcome to 2023! I’ll be doing a longer update on Friday of this week, but I wanted to put up a quick update that I’ll be getting back into regular blog posts. They’re not going to be anything fancy, but a quick couple of words about projects I’m working on, a picture of something V-O […]

How is it June?!

Updates! Updates! Wow! It seems like just a couple of weeks ago that we moved out to the country-side. I was expecting to get a *LOT* more done between February and June. But life comes at you fast, and then you spend all of your free time mowing the lawn, and weed whacking, and taking […]

Goals for 2022

Welcome to 2022!

Happy New Year! I feel like it’s been months since I last posted. That’s probably because it’s been months since I last posted. I guess I should breifly mention what’s been happening, and then talk about what’s going to happen. Since the last time I posted in August, I . . . . haven’t gotten […]

Goals for 2022

Website Updates Incoming

I’m working on it! Alright, I know that I’ve left the website in sort of a ramshackle shape for a bit. I didn’t really like it, and I was struggling to find ways to make it work. The social media quick links (ya know, ) were broken, and I wasn’t sure how to fix them. […]

Goals for 2022
Goals for 2022