A Blessing and a Curse

So, by Friday I meant next Wednesday… I’m going to blame my ADHD. It’s a Blessing and a Curse. It’s a Blessing when I need to focus or hyperfocus on whatever I’m working on. And it’s a Curse because getting started on things gets really difficult. It also means that I tend to have lots […]

Goals for 2022

Welcome to 2022!

Happy New Year! I feel like it’s been months since I last posted. That’s probably because it’s been months since I last posted. I guess I should breifly mention what’s been happening, and then talk about what’s going to happen. Since the last time I posted in August, I . . . . haven’t gotten […]

Weekly Summary for February 27th

February is a wrap. 4 weeks never felt so short, or so long. As with most updates, there are things that I’m proud of and things that I’m disappointed with. This past week has probably been one of the lower morale weeks I’ve had, and yet I also feel somewhat accomplished. It’s not been as […]

Belated Happy Valentine's Day

Off to a Great Start!

Soo . . . . . I’m off to a great start this year. I didn’t really get anything done this week. Well, Voice Acting wise at least. I spent the past week visiting my parents and helping them clean and declutter their house. I’m going to be doing some more at their house this […]

That’s a Wrap 2020

It’s the New Year. And as such time for the New Years Wrap-up. As with most New Years, it’s time to reflect on the previous year and prepare for the new one. And there is a lot to reflect on and prepare for. 2020 wasn’t what anyone would call a “good” year. But one of […]