Distractions everywhere . . . . What was I saying?

Right . . . . I planned on writing in this thing more regularly, and then I didn’t for two months. I should get better about doing this and dedicate a certain amount of time a day to things like website maintenance and social media and stuff like that. I’m just bad at consistency. Like I get distracted easily. And the cat doesn’t normally help.

Because Distractions are Everywhere, I haven’t gotten as much stuff done as I’d like lately. I’m working on an audiobook, but very slowly, and that’s killing me. And because I’m not making progress like I’d like to, I am finding it difficult to get motivated to do things like other auditions or social media posts. I use Casting Call Club as a warm-up to make sure my recording is good and my voice is doing the things that my voice should do. But I didn’t renew with Voices.com because I wasn’t getting jobs there, and it was just very frustrating. Everything is frustrating. But there’s not a lot I can do besides get back down to work. When I’m not being distracted. Which I am.

Anyway, this post is just a quick and dirty get something done and posted so that I can get back to writing blog posts again. So . . . . until next time!

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