How is it June?!

Updates! Updates!

Wow! It seems like just a couple of weeks ago that we moved out to the country-side. I was expecting to get a *LOT* more done between February and June. But life comes at you fast, and then you spend all of your free time mowing the lawn, and weed whacking, and taking care of the pool, and cleaning up the garage, and repairing tools, and working at your old bartending job, and, and, and . . . . You get the point. It’s time for an update.

I haven’t really been online as much as I used to be, and it’s time to get back into the good habits. I’m mostly doing this post today because it’s raining outside and I’m taking a short break from editing to go through my e-mails and catch up on stuff. After I’m done here, I’m going to get back to doing some edits and maybe even clean the office before I head off to work at the bar.

Voice Work?

Okay, so, I haven’t been doing as much with this as I want to, mostly because of the aforementioned *stuff*. But I am finishing up a couple of projects that I had recorded before the move, and am working on building my new recording studio. Yes, building my studio. It’s going to be a small studio separated from the house.

Hobby House – Future Recording Studio

This Hobby House will be insulated and treated to become my recording studio. I should have it done in about a month, and will be taking pictures and such along the way. This will help separate my work and leisure time, as well as keep me from annoying my wife, or getting distracted by my pets.

Pet Tax

We now have three pets. Eden, the dog; Jax, the cat; and Queen Mab, the kitten. They are adorable, but definitely a handful.

So, that’s the update for today. I’ll have more to write about next week. Be well and take care.

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