April Check-in

How to not blog

Jax Whelp, I haven’t exactly been keeping up with this thing, have I? I think part of my problem is that I was making it more “work” for myself rather than making it something fun and interesting to write. I’m not sure how I should be using this, but I’m pretty sure infrequent updates is how not to blog. Another problem is that I’ve been busy with things that aren’t voice acting work. So that’s on me.

I’m not really sure what I should be using this blog for. Besides just accountability for myself. I kinda have the same issue with Twitter and Instagram. It feels like I don’t exactly have a lot to say. I probably should say more about the kinds of things that take up my day, but how much does anyone want to hear that my recording time was interrupted by my cat meowing sometimes just because the cat wants to sit with me on the couch? Or that walking the Dog takes up about 45 minutes to an hour in the middle of the day? It’s kind of difficult to get back into working after the dog walk and lunch. It just interrupts an hour and a half plus in the middle of the work day.

For some fun things that are going on in the real world outside of Voice Acting, my wife and I are trying out Bouldering at a local bouldering gym. Something fun that we can do together that doesn’t involve screens. I highly recommend doing things with your significant other(s) that get you out of the house together and isn’t “work.”

Voice work has been going a little slow, but I did just finish up the first part of a job for Robot Western by SON Publishing and Productions. And I am continuing to work on TARASHANA the sequel to TUYO. I have a few things that I’m working on, but some days it feels like I’m just spinning in circles; fun some days, causing vertigo others.

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