Goals for 2022

Website Updates Incoming

HousekeepingI’m working on it!

Alright, I know that I’ve left the website in sort of a ramshackle shape for a bit. I didn’t really like it, and I was struggling to find ways to make it work. The social media quick links (ya know, ) were broken, and I wasn’t sure how to fix them. I didn’t really like the colors . . . . . Anyway, there were problems. And I was studiously ignoring them while I was struggling to get my work day under control. Well, I got my work day under control with a little Pavlovian conditioning. And I found myself with a bit of free time in the middle of my work day so I “get to” work on the website updates.

What Website Updates are coming?

First, if you have visited the site in the past couple of months, you might notice that I’ve changed the theme. It’s called Brisko, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. This is giving me a lot more control over the colors and backgrounds and such without having to learn more Web Design. 

The next thing that’s going to happen is that I’m going to make sure the blog posts have a featured image that doesn’t take up the whole screen. I’m also going to look at getting more images onto the website. Possibly some more custom Chibis. Or I’ll just need to take more pictures. Pictures of what? I don’t know.

After I take care of some of the visuals of the website, I’m looking at going through my auditions and my completed projects and updating my demos and samples on the main page. I’m not looking forward to this, and I’ll probably be reaching out to friends to help me make decisions.

I’m also going to link to my hobby projects, things that aren’t directly Voice Acting, but that I enjoy doing and do publicly. Things like the Twitch Stream I do for gaming. And things like Historical Sword Fighting I do. I have a HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) club L’Arte NYC that I haven’t gotten to really do much with because of the cold weather and not meeting in person inside. But I’ll be linking to them, and from them to this, because why not?

Is this post taking the place of your weekly summary?

Nope! There will be a weekly summary blog post either tomorrow evening, or more likely, Saturday around Noon. I didn’t have a summary blog post last week because there wasn’t anything to summarize. I didn’t get anything professionally done last week.

But in addition to the weekly summary, I am going to try to make a companion blog post to my Monday Engagement live stream on Facebook. The Monday Engagement Blog Post will touch upon the things that I talk about in the live stream. But I’ll try to make it focused on getting feedback and engagement back. 


That’s going to be it for this housekeeping post. Keep your eyes open for more website updates. And until next time, I’m PFMcCaffrey Voices – Your Story, My Voice.

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