Weekly Update for February 6th

Happy Weekend! I’m remembering to do this today! Originally I planned on doing these updates on Fridays. But I realized that I do some of my stat-counting at midnight (or close to it), so if I start writing my weekly blog post summary too early, I won’t have the same week to week stats to compare. Also, I should realistically have a running draft of this, so I don’t need to go a thousand places to get all the things I want to talk about. Lessons learned for next week.

What’s New?

New? I can’t say there’s a lot of “New” things happening. I’m doing my auditions more regularly again. Enough so that I’m looking at making a solid attempt at updating my website this weekend. This might mean having to take some pictures and having more images to fill up the space. I also started a new voice actor profile on Voquent.com, though I haven’t filled it with demos and samples yet. I’ll need to get on that.

Actually, I should really look at doing a new set of Demos. Bleh, updating things is tedious. But it’s something that should be done. I have had the same Demos for a few years now, and I think that I can do more and better. My dynamic range has definitely improved. And as much as I’d like to believe that by doing more work and more auditions, I won’t need to rely on demos as much, but that’s not realistic just yet. So I will see what I can do about making a set of new demos.

What’s Brewing? What will we see (hear) from you?

I just did a table read for an audio drama called We Are Here. I play a Rob Wilson, the father of one of the main characters. Rob shows up in only a couple of episodes, but helps to establish the home life of the main character. It was fun to do the table read, and the other voice actors are really amazing. I will definitely be promoting the podcast when it gets released.

Another project I already recorded my lines for just released a trailer. Sophistry is an interactive romantic visual novel game, which includes a dating simulation system. They’re planning a kickstarter in March. You can find more information and a playable demo on their website at https://2cubsstudio.itch.io/sophistry

Beyond that, I am working on editing down interviews from a couple of years ago now for the podcast that got me into voice acting in the first place. The HEMA-Cast is a HEMA Focused Podcast, and was my attempt to fill a niche that was unfilled in 2016 when I started. I haven’t put out a new episode since June of last year. But I’m doing better about using my time and am (slowly) working on getting out a new episode. Just a little bit at a time.

And of course, I’m still doing my Monday Engagements on Facebook Live at Noon EST on Mondays. This past week I did some auditioning, and showed pretty much the full process. Next week, I’m going to be at my parents again, so I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I’m also doing Twitch Streams playing Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure on Saturdays and Starship Horizons on Wednesdays.

Statistics? Auditions?

The first week of February has been significantly better than I was doing for January.

For Voices.com, I’ve done 52 auditions, 35 new listens (67%), and had 4 new short listed auditions (4.5% of auditions, 6.5% of listens). I was definitely much more on top of auditioning early, and keeping on top of my available auditions throughout the week.

For CCC I only did 5 auditions, but again, I’m getting back into the good habits that I had been doing before the holidays.

I also did an audition for ACX. I’m going to have a few days off/lighter days while I’m at my parents next week, so I’m trying to work ahead a bit. That way I can take time next week doing the self-improvment thing, and work on the website, especially if I’m not going to audition like I would prefer. Though after next week, I am aiming for 10/3/1. 10 Voices.com Auditions, 3 CCC Auditions, and 1 ACX audition every day. As long as I do that, I will be happy. And if I am efficient with that, I’ll be able to do some auditioning on Fiverr, Freelancer, Voquent, Backstage, etc. I’ve also reached out about doing an audio book narration for a book related to martial arts. I hope to hear back about it sooner rather than later, but we’ll see.


Better than I’ve been doing. 10 hours tracked! 5 and a half hours for Voices.com, 2 hours for CCC, an hour and a half for planning/marketing/development, and a little over half an hour for ACX. One of the things that having Timular has really done for me is show how much “work” time is broken up and inefficient when you’re interrupted or switching tasks. I am using it to track when I’ve started doing things, rather than setting it to track when I’m planning on doing things. It’s a small distinction, but effectively, if it’s tracking, I’m doing the thing it’s saying I’m doing.

It’s still really nebulous when you’re doing things that aren’t really “work” but is still related to it. Like, should I start tracking as soon as I open up chrome and am about to go to the audition websites? But what if I see that there’s nothing worth auditioning for, is it still worth tracking that (wasted) time? I don’t know if I’ll change how I’m using it, but I’m glad to be using it at all.


I’m including a couple of the shortlisted or liked auditions I submitted from this past week.

Plans for Next Week

As I said a couple of times already in this post, next week I’m going to my parents to help them declutter the house. So a lot of my “work” for PFMcCaffrey Voices will be doing things for the website, and reading the few books I’ve been working my way through, to improve myself as a Voice Actor. I’ll bring my USB mic and laptop with me, and might do a little bit of recording, but we’ll see if anything actually comes of it.

That’s it for this week, until next time, I’m PFMcCaffrey Voices. Your Story, My Voice.

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