Goals for 2022

Welcome to 2022!

Happy New Year! I feel like it’s been months since I last posted. That’s probably because it’s been months since I last posted. I guess I should breifly mention what’s been happening, and then talk about what’s going to happen.

Since the last time I posted in August, I . . . . haven’t gotten a lot done. Life got in the way and most of my good habits fell by the wayside. I spent a lot of time helping my parents get ready for and then subsequently move. I also caught COVID just in time to miss Thanksgiving (no lasting effects, thankfully). And my big project, Tarashana, kinda stalled. I have over half of it recorded and edited, and really just need to keep working at it. It’s a long book, longer than any audiobook I’ve read, and getting distracted does not help. I stopped auditioning for other jobs so I was distracted less. And my wife and I are buying a house. So yeah, busy second half of 2021.

What’s in store for 2022?

To start with, I’m going to get back to doing Facebook Lives on Mondays. It’s not going to be glamorous, I’m pretty much going to go live at 9am, do my vocal warm-ups and then do my audiobook recordings. I’ll respond to the chat in between takes, and whenever I’m done recording and take a break for lunch, I’ll end the live session because lunch, and after lunch Editing, is kinda boring. If the Live sessions get some interest and generate questions, I’ll definitely take some time and answer them during or afterwards. But really, the Live sessions are just for fun, for me.

In addition to that, I’m going to make this posting a weekly thing on Sundays. And I’m just going to use it to talk about whatever Voice-Over stuff that goes through my mind. I’m not going to go out of my way to post statistics in any sort of interesting way. If I do post statistics, it’ll just be a simple table. Easy Peasy.

Professional Goals for 2022

I have a bunch of goals for 2022, professionally. First, I want to finish Tarashana. That’s my primary goal. I have ~10 chapters left to record, and of course a bunch of editing and then pick-ups to rerecord. Next, I have a couple of personal projects that I’m working on, books I enjoyed enough that I want to see them have an audiobook. I’m going to get back to auditioning at various websites. With the new house, I’m going to get a dedicated recording space (YAY!), that I need to build myself (BOO!), so as I’m transitioning from one location to the other, I’ll post updates as that happens.

And my biggest professional goals are to get some regular work with recording studios that aren’t my home studio, and to get an agent for voice-acting. I want to get a big chunk of the goals from above done first. Then I’ll brush up my acting portfolio, pick some of the best recordings I’ve done. Maybe I’ll make a poll or two setting my recordings head to head? And then I’m going to do the next professional step.

So what’s happening this week?

This week is going to be a relatively gentle reentry to Live sessions. My wife and I have to go to the new house by 1PM, and it’ll take us about 2 and a half hours to get out to it, so I’ll just be live from 9am (maybe a little early) until 10:15 or so. Then I’ll dash off and do the life event stuff, and come back and edit until the wee hours of the morning. But you don’t get to see that (it’s incredibly boring). Tuesday I’m going to again do some recording and editing, but then I have to pack things up and get ready for MAGFest!

I’m going to be at MAGFest with Starship Horizons Bridge Simulator. I’m helping run their interactive bridge events. And I might even be doing a little bit of stuff to help add to the ambiance of the simulation. I’m heading down from Wednesday until Sunday. I’ll have a bunch of recording equipment with me, so I might get some small stuff recorded, but I expect it to be a busy week.

Until Next Week!

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